How do I delete praise I've left for someone else?

Click here if you need to delete praise that was left for you.

iOS app

Android app

Desktop website

iOS app

  1. Tap a member's name to view their profile
  2. Tap "Praises"
  3. Slide the praise to the left and tap "Delete"

Android app

  1. Tap a member's name to view their profile
  2. Tap "Praises"
  3. Long press on the praise you left, and then tap "Remove"

Desktop Website

  1. Click on the member's name anywhere you see it (in the feed, on an item view, or in your private message conversation) to view the member profile.
  2. Click the link for "Praises
  3. Scroll to the praise to delete, hover with the mouse, then click on the "x" that appears to the right
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