How do I edit or delete a discussion post?

iOS app

Android app

Desktop Website

iOS app

  1. Tap "Me" on the bottom navigation bar & then tap "My Stuff"

  2. Tap "Discussions" tab then tap the discussion you would like to edit or delete
  3. Tap "Edit"
  4. To edit: Make any edits necessary then tap Save
    To delete: Tap the garbage can then confirm the deletion

Android app

  1. Tap "Me" on the bottom navigation bar & then tap "My Stuff"

  2. Tap "Discussions" then tap the discussion you would like to edit or delete
  3. Tap "Edit"
  4. To edit: Make any edits necessary then tap Save
    To delete: Tap the red Delete button then confirm the deletion

Desktop website

  1. Navigate to your "My Stuff" view

  2. Click "Discussions" then click the discussion you want to edit or delete

  3. Click "Edit" in the lower right of the post

  4. To edit: Make any edits necessary then click "Submit" to save changes
    To delete: Click " Delete" then confirm the deletion

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