How do I filter my stuff by status or community?

iOS app

Android app

Desktop website

iOS app

  1. Tap "Me" from the bottom navigation bar and then tap "My Stuff"
  2. Tap on the filter icon
  3. Tap to filter by "Status" or "Community"
  4. Choose the status or community you'd like to see

  5. Tap "Apply" after making selection


  1. Tap "Me" from the bottom navigation bar and then tap "My Stuff"
  2. Tap on the filter icon, then tap "Status Filter" or "Community Filter"
  3. Choose the status or community you'd like to see

Desktop website

  1. Click "My Stuff"
  2. Click the headings under "My Items" to filter by status.  Use the community filter on the right to select one community or all communities. 
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